When you're sad i will..

make you mac and cheese or hot chocolate or whatever your favorite is.
waltz with you.
buy you ice cream.
hold your hand.
color with you.
draw you a terrible picture of us to put on your well.
sit in silence for a bit while you let yourself be sad.
watch funny youtube videos with you.
hold you while you cry.
lwt you fall asleep with your head in my lap.
hug you.
read a loud dramatically from a book of your choice.
snuggle under a blanket and watch christmas movie with you.
kiss you.
bake you things.
play everything i know on the piano.
build a fort of blankets and pillow for us to rule in.
talk about something inconsequental until you feel better.
rub your back.
tickle your neck with my fingertips.
wrap you in a blanket, let you know that you're loved, and leave you to be alone for a bit.


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